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Regular price $2,850.00 USD
Regular price $2,850.00 USD Sale price $2,850.00 USD
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◆ تمت ترقيته بـ 8 رؤوس مختلفة ونظام طاقة رباعي العجلات، مما يغطي مساحة معالجة أكبر ويوفر لك الوقت.

◆ يقدم الآن تيار إخراج أقوى يبلغ 12 فولت/3000 مللي أمبير، مقارنة بالإصدار السابق 12 فولت/1500 مللي أمبير، مما يعني أنه يمكنه تقديم نتائج أكثر فعالية.

◆ تتوفر عشرة أوضاع قابلة للتعديل، مما يسمح لك بتخصيص الجهاز بناءً على احتياجات بشرتك ومستوى راحتك مع التيار. انها مناسبة لمجموعة واسعة من الأعمار.

◆ يستخدم النبض المركب عالي السرعة WAVE (المحسّن استنادًا إلى تقنية MFIP الأساسية الحاصلة على براءة اختراع لشركة ARTISTIC&CO).

◆ يتضمن وضعنا الجديد SPP الذي يجمع بين 3 ميزات في واحدة:
أنا. تسريب النبض: يساعد على تسهيل تغلغل مكونات التجميل في الجلد.
ثانيا. EMS: تمرين عضلات الوجه
ثالثا. تيار موجي متوسط ​​إلى عالي التردد: قم بتدفئة الجلد لتعزيز الدورة الدموية.

◆ يتضمن وضع العناية الخاصة جميع التقنيات الثلاثة (WAVE+EMS+SPP) لحالات الطوارئ التي تحتاج فيها بشرتك إلى انتعاش سريع.

◆ تساعدك إضافة شاشة تعمل باللمس على تصور وقت العلاج والإعدادات المختارة في لمحة. اختر لغتك المفضلة (الإنجليزية، الصينية، اليابانية).

◆ يعتبر رمسيس الثاني أحد أقوى أجهزة التجميل وأكثرها تنوعًا في الصناعة، ويُعرف أيضًا باسم "المحارب السداسي"


◆ Utilizes the WAVE high-speed composite pulse (optimized based on ARTISTIC&CO.'s core patented technology, MFIP).

◆Daily Care with EMS Microcurrent Muscle Stimulation Tighten Facial Contours With unique electrical pulses, it targets facial muscles that are not frequently used and muscles that have weakened, providing muscle training to tighten and lift sagging areas.

◆ SPP Continuous Pulse Import Simultaneously:
Efficiently awakening radiant skin without damaging the skin surface and cells, introducing beauty ingredients and high molecular weight components that cannot be introduced during regular care into the skin. Help the skin become more moisturized.

◆ Special Care mode incorporates all 3 technologies (WAVE+EMS+SPP) for emergency situations where your skin needs a quick pick-me-up.

Core Tech

◆ Upgraded with 8 different heads and a 4-wheel energy system, covering a larger treatment area and saves you time.

◆ It now offers a stronger output current of 12V/3000mA, compared to the previous version's 12V/1500mA, which means it can deliver more effective results.

◆ There are ten adjustable modes available, allowing you to customize the device based on your skin's needs and your comfort level with the current. It's suitable for a wide range of ages.

◆ The addition of a touch screen display helps you to visualize your treatment time and chosen settings at a glance. Choose your preferred language (English, Chinese, Japanese).


Power rating of AC adapter:
Input 100-240V~ 50/60Hz
Output 12V -- 3.0A
Power rating of Main body:Input 12V == 3.0A
Power consumption:
Maximum 15W
Size of Main body:
Weight of Main body:

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Our in-house beauty tech experts answer your most commonly asked questions.

Your questions, answered

What is a beauty device?

"Beauty devices are electronic devices used for personal beauty and health. They employ technologies such as optics and electricity to enhance absorption and improve skin condition. Common types include:

  • Ultrasound Technology: Uses vibrations from ultrasound waves to clean and promote skin circulation.
  • Ionic Penetration Technology: Uses electrical flow to enhance the penetration of skincare products.
  • Radio Frequency Technology: Uses heat effects to stimulate collagen production in the skin.
  • Light Therapy Technology: Uses specific wavelengths of light to address various skin issues.
  • Microcurrent Technology: Uses electrical currents to stimulate muscles and promote muscle movement."

Are there any safety precautions for using the equipment ?

Before purchasing, please read the following precautions:

🚫 This product is intended for use only on healthy skin.
🚫 Prior to using the device for the first time, perform a skin compatibility test to ensure safety and prevent any skin reactions.
🚫 Do not purchase or use this product if you fall under any of the following conditions:

  • You have heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension;
  • You have had implantable electronic medical devices;
  • You suffer from skin conditions, atopic dermatitis, or allergies;
  • You are a child still growing or an individual unable to express yourself;
  • You are pregnant or might be pregnant;
  • You have undergone eye surgery or cosmetic surgery.

    If you are unsure whether this product is suitable for you, please consult your doctor!

Can it be used together with cosmetics?

It is recommended to use cosmetics from the same brand, as the formulations and designs are intended to maximize the effectiveness of the beauty device. They can enhance the penetration of the skincare products into the skin, providing deeper hydration and nourishment. By combining the use of beauty devices with these cosmetics, you can expect improved anti-aging and skin beautifying results.