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WAiU Blitz Essence

WAiU Blitz Essence

정가 ¥7,600 JPY
정가 할인가 ¥7,600 JPY
할인 품절
세금이 포함됩니다. 배송료는 결제 시 계산됩니다.
product model

The key to effective skincare lies in opening the skin's conduction pathways.

Research shows that the key for beauty devices to effectively work on the skin is unlocking the skin's conductive pathways. Traditional serums are not enough when paired with beauty devices!

The specialized 'Blitz' formula decodes the skin's resistance barrier and precisely controls current conduction


Blitz Essence reduces skin resistance, enhances current conduction, synergizes effects, and helps introduce active ingredients. It minimizes the loss of current on the skin’s surface, ensuring that more current effectively reaches the deeper layers of the skin. This serum is a high-efficiency complex developed for skin that requires repair, combining three major active ingredients that have been scientifically proven to repair the skin.

코어 테크

Sup-C Superconductive Microcurrent Technology is a breakthrough skincare conductive technology that integrates ion conduction enhancers with natural conductive plant extracts. Under microcurrent conditions, it quickly activates skin cells and promotes the efficient penetration of active ingredients in the serum.


The product contains DETOSKIN™ Peony Revitalizing Growth Factor, a Nobel Prize-winning ingredient, which improves mitochondrial autophagy, initiates cell self-renewal, and eliminates free radicals from the source. Additionally, the formula uses Turkish Rose Flower Water and Egyptian Water Lily Flower Water to replace traditional water, combined with Tremella Polysaccharides, Water-soluble Ceramides, and other patented ingredients. High concentrations of Boseine and Yeast Extract provide moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, repairing, and firming effects.

사용 설명서

Three Major No Additives: Free from fragrances, alcohol, and traditional preservatives, suitable for a wider range of skin types.

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  • 초음파 기술: 초음파의 진동을 이용하여 피부를 깨끗하게 하고 순환을 촉진합니다.
  • 이온 침투 기술: 전기 흐름을 사용하여 스킨케어 제품의 흡수력 향상시킵니다.
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  • 광 치료 기술: 다양한 피부 문제를 해결하기 위해 특정 파장의 빛을 사용합니다.
  • 미세전류 기술: 전류를 사용하여 근육을 자극하고 근육 운동을 촉진합니다."

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